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Results for "author_first: Larry, author_last: Dossey"
An attitude of the heart An attitude of the heart
Practicing Eternity Medicine is disarmingly simple Practicing Eternity Medicine is disarmingly simple
Original ideas during altered states Original ideas during altered states
Healing Beyond the Body Soulful essays by a meaning maker par excellence who is doing pioneer work in the interface between medicine and spirituality.
The Power of Prayer with Larry Dossey, M.D. Talks about prayer as an attitude of the heart, a way of being in the world, and our intimate communication with the Divine.
Reinventing Medicine A watershed work that publishes the banns and then joyfully celebrates the wedding of science and spirituality.
Be Careful What You Pray For...You Just Might Get It Examines the harmful effects of negative prayers, wishes, curses, and hexes.
Healing Words A watershed work on the interplay between these prayer and medicine.
Prayer Is Good Medicine An informal and informative examination of the healing power of prayer.
Meaning and Medicine Explores the link between illness, wellness and the mind-body connection.