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Results for "content_type: %22Body%20Practice%22"
Settling and Integrating A series of physical postures to help you calm down, be in your body, and in the present moment.
Grounding and Centering An exercise for re-establishing your relationship to both the ground and to your body’s center of gravity.
Safety and Containment An exercise using your muscles to deepen your sense of your body boundaries.
Mindfulness of Breathing A lush description of the collectedness that is mindfulness of breathing.
Cultivate Your Somatic Mindfulness A practice for stabilizing the mind through the body's groundedness.
Breath of Joy Pose A yoga pose for restoring joy and connecting with the wild.
Your Compassionate Yoga Heart Affirmations to incorporate in your yoga practice.
What Is Truth? A body prayer and chant to let go of illusion and open to truth.
In the Image of G*d An embodied meditation on the letters yud hey vav hey.
Breathing the Name A simple breathing practice to restore your equanimity.