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Results for "content_type: %22Prayer/Mantra%22"
Loving Allah A prayer to be among all who are brought together by loving Allah and receiving Allah's love.
A Prayer for Strength A prayer for Allah to give us strength to use for all that's good.
Protection from Being Unjust A prayer to judge fairly and avoid being complacent about injustice.
Trust in Allah A practice for trusting love.
Self-Care is Sacred Excerpts from Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes's daily devotional on Genesis 1:26-27.
Mind Your Boundaries A prayer and benediction on honoring our needs and guarding ourselves from harm.
Compassion Turned Inward Excerpts from Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes's daily devotional on Mark 12:28-31.
Good Self-Care Shepherds Excerpts from Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes's daily devotional on Psalm 23.
Spreading Self-Compassion A practice for embodying 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13.
Conversations with the Source A reflection on Ignatian Examen-based questions for interacting conversationally with the Spirit of Love.