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Results for "content_type: %22Teaching%20Story/Scene%22"
Avram David in The Way of Flame Maybe not
Bettina Vitell in The World in a Bowl of Tea When Rityu, Japan's legendary sixteenth-century tea master, was asked the secret
Sue Monk Kidd in The Dance of the Dissident Daughter I heard a story about a man who went about the countryside
Joseph Gosse in "Inexhaustible Springs," Spiritual Life That's not the problem.
Tao story in The Blessings of Imperfection A carpenter and his apprentice
An Appreciative Heart A story about approaching food with love and appreciation.
My Brother's Keeper A story about compassion, community, and interconnection.
Theme Song The unusual medium of a personal theme song reveals the sacred in everyday life.
A Denizen of Time A call to live deeply in time in all its richness.
David Chadwick in To Shine One Corner of the World A wonderful teaching from Zen master Shunryu Suzuki on the value of beginner's mind.