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Results for "keyword: %22relaxation%22"
The 10-Step Stress Solution Ways to effectively handle stress focusing on its effects on the body.
Crossing Mark Barrett's story of a woman feeling God's presence when she prayed by listening and relaxing.
Natural Meditation A primer to learn about effortless meditation and soaking in laughter.
The Little Book of Light Mikeala Katherine Jones on seeing yourself as a glorious radiant sun.
Greater Expectations Exercises and practices to help you cope with our fast-paced culture.
Inside the Grass Hut Commentary on a Zen poem about living lightly on the earth with calm, ease, and simplicity.
Happy City Reports on the humanizing redesign of cities and the rejoicing of urban dwellers who are thankful for the changes, especially the downplaying of cars.
Ah Ha! A clever and breezy tale about a frog who just wants to relax.
Planting Seeds An incomparable resource on mindfulness for children with hundreds of spiritual practices.
Living from the Center Jay McDaniel's Ten Healing Alternatives to consumerism.