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Results for "keyword: %22sacraments%22"
Look with reverence on your pots and pans Look with reverence on your pots and pans
Physical love is a sacrament Physical love is a sacrament
The present moment I am face-to-face with God The present moment I am face-to-face with God
We are all walking tabernacles. We are all walking tabernacles.
There does not seem to be a theological reason There does not seem to be a theological reason
Jesus Was a Migrant Deirdre Cornell on the communion line at church as a migration.
Money as Sacrament Adele Azar-Rucquoi with valuable spiritual practices to try related to money.
Silence An incisive examination of the spiritual practice of silence.
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time Marcus J. Borg on three metaphors for Christians' relationship to scripture.
What You Will See Inside a Catholic Church Michael Keane's comments on "the oils of gladness" used to celebrate devotional sacraments in the Catholic Church.