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Results for "practice: Yearning"
Lost in La Mancha A very entertaining documentary about Terry Gilliam's troubles while filming his pet project about the ardent idealist who tilts against windmills and dreams impossible dreams.
Mad Love A Spanish film about the withering effects of jealousy in the life of a young monarch whose sexual passion for her husband becomes an obsession.
Following A mesmerizing neo-noir drama, the first effort of writer and director Christopher Nolan.
Homecoming Shows how family ties can be formed and re-formed according to need and desire.
The Piano Lesson A passionate screen adaptation of August Wilson's Pulitzer Prize-winning play about two siblings forced to clarify their values about tradition, money, and desire.
Interview with the Vampire Presents the meaninglessness of any existence where feelings are disregarded or downplayed.
Guarding Tess Speaks to the universal human yearning for someone to watch over us.
The Piano A sense-luscious film showing how soul is realized through a fusion of body, desire, and passion.
My Father's Glory/My Mother's Castle Shows how the embrace of place enables us to nourish our inner identity and to stretch our consciousness.
Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken Tells the true story of a runaway orphan who gets a job in a traveling stunt show.