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Results for "author_first: "Joseph", author_last: "Goldstein", latest_content: 1"
Joseph Goldstein A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Joseph Goldstein, Buddhist writer and cofounder of the Insight Meditation Society.
Recite Mantras for Loving-Kindness A recommendation to create your own loving-kindness mantra based on your vision for our country and our world.
Mindfulness Joseph Goldstein on how to develop and strengthen equanimity.
Mindfulness A summation of the multidimensional world of mindfulness.
Opening One's Heart to a Stranger A meditation to increase warmth and caring.
Abiding In Mindfulness, Volume 1 Buddhist teachings for advanced students on the Satipatthana Sutta about the Buddha's "direct path to realization."
A Heart Full of Peace Astute meditations on compassion, love, kindness, and a peaceful heart.
One Dharma Elucidates in many profound and dramatic ways the essential wisdom of this tradition that has become so popular in North America.
One Dharma Joseph Goldstein's story about a Zen Master's joy in the joy of children.
Seeking the Heart of Wisdom Joseph Goldstein and Jack Kornfield on Mad Bear's gratitude ceremony.