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Results for "author_first: %22Mary%20Margaret%22, author_last: %22Funk%22, latest_content: 1"
Mary Margaret Funk A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Mary Margaret Funk, a Catholic nun, writer, retreat leader, former executive director of Monastic Interreligious Dialogue, …
Vigils Mary Margaret Funk on the devotional practice of vigils.
Guard of the Heart Mary Margaret Funk on keeping watch in the heart.
A Journey of Discernment An e-course to learn to contemplatively discern the small and large decisions in life.
Humility Matters for Practicing The Spiritual Life Mary Margaret Funk with an imagined interview with Therese of Lisieux about her path of humility called the Little Way.
Islam Is . . . An Experience of Dialogue and Devotion Mary Margaret Funk on the spiritual riches of Islam in the spiritual practice of justice.
Discernment Matters Keen insights into the practice of discovering the work of the Holy Spirit in us, as revealed in the early monastic tradition.
Discernment Matters Mary Margaret Funk on how retreats polish our souls.
Lectio Matters A deep and rich analysis of the spiritual practice of lectio divina.
Lectio Matters Mary Margaret Funk on how the Little Way can be practiced every day.