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Results for "author_first: Bill, author_last: Moyers"
The Language of Life A poem by Stanley Kunitz on the spiritual practice of you.
The Language of Life Alegria's poem "Summing Up."
Fooling with Words Deborah Garrison's poem "A Kiss."
The Language of Life Rita Dove's poem "The First Book" on openness.
The Language of Life Jane Kenyon's poem "Peonies at Dusk."
The Language of Life Donald Hall's poem "White Apples" on listening.
Bill Moyers Journal A top-drawer collection of 47 interviews with independent thinkers on a wide variety of subjects.
Bill Moyers Journal Bill Moyers on reverent people as protectors of the great Mysteries.
Fooling with Words Fans of poetry will find much food for the soul in these eleven illuminating interviews.
The Language of Life Joy Harjo's poem "Remember."