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Results for "author_first: Daniel, author_last: Homan"
Monastic hospitality creates sacred space Monastic hospitality creates sacred space
Hospitality makes room in your heart Hospitality makes room in your heart
Hospitality is way to counter not being heard Hospitality is way to counter not being heard
Boundaries allow us to give more to others Boundaries allow us to give more to others
Hospitality makes room for others Hospitality makes room for others
Impatience is the offspring Impatience is the offspring
Daniel Homan in Radical Hospitality Hospitality is
Radical Hospitality Makes a good case for giving this spiritual practice high priority status in these fearful times.
Radical Hospitality Lonni Collins Pratt and Daniel Homan's story challenging us to be hospitable to others.
Benedict's Way A self-guided retreat that salutes Benedictine values and spiritual practices.