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Results for "author_first: Lewis, author_last: Richmond"
Lewis Richmond A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Lewis Richmond, author, teacher, expert on Western Buddhism.
Practices for Discouragement Lewis Richmond's suggestions for countering discouragement.
Work as a Spiritual Practice A teaching story about Right Speech.
Visualizing Your Adversary in Kindness Pausing before you respond.
Generosity to an Adversary Acknowledging that no one is wholly bad.
The Practice of Being Grateful Releasing complaints by giving thanks.
Aging as a Spiritual Practice Lewis Richmond on how there are plenty of different ways of expressing elderhood.
Aging as a Spiritual Practice A measured and thoughtful Buddhist approach to conscious aging.
A Friend in the Heart Acknowledging you are your own best friend.
A Whole Life's Work Lewis Richmond saluting the spiritual practice of humility as the inner reflection of the true learner.