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Results for "content_type: %22Food%20and%20Eating%20Practice%22"
Offering Prayers and Making Your Own Blessings Encouragement to mark the moments of our lives with sacred words.
Coffee with Milk, Sugar, and Mindfulness Prompts to bring mindfulness to your coffee experience.
Kashrut Inspiration to go kosher.
St. Bridget’s Day Feast Ideas for celebrating St. Bridget's Day.
Turn Blessing Into a Daily Practice Questions to ponder to help you turn blessing into a daily practice.
Eating and Preparing Food as a Spiritual Practice Reframing the experience of food using the 37 practices in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy.
Cultivating Peace through Mindful Eating Steps to being present in mindful eating.
Acknowledge and Honor Your Dependence on Others A spiritual exercise to help you explore the moods and meanings of winter.
Go on a Picnic A spiritual exercise to help you make summertime into sacred time.
The Five Contemplations Thich Nhat Hanh's five contemplations for mealtime.