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Results for "content_type: %22Inner%20Work%20Practice%22"
Connecting with the God of Water A visualization to encounter Poseidon.
Honor Your Limits A reflection on honoring what is yours to do and what is not.
Surrender Ignatian Examen-based questions on the concept of self-surrender.
Decision-Making A reflection on Ignatian Examen-based questions for discernment.
Nesting Meditation A mindfulness practice to foster true, genuine, deep gentleness with yourself and others.
For the Journey Back to Yourself A prayer for becoming who we truly are.
Metabolizing the Reckoning A practice for conflict resolution in our bodies that helps us prepare for both peril and possibility.
Fraudulence, Impostorhood, and Shame An exercise for healing and transforming self-doubt.
Not Your Fault, But Still Your Problem An exercise for acceptance of the shared responsibility to keep white-body supremacy from spreading.
A Resource Toy Box An exploration of readily available resources that can help settle our bodies.