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Results for "content_type: Elder%20Spirituality%20Project"
The Rights of the Elderly A prayer of love and reverence for elders.
National Grandparents Day DVDs that celebrate the vital connection between grandparents and grandchildren.
The Wisdom of Morrie A collection of insights from a retired sociology professor.
Retiring Our Doer Contemplative questions for just being instead of doing.
Seasons of Life A mindfulness practice for embracing the cycle of life.
Never Forget Eleanor Solace for those who love someone with Alzheimer's.
Jacob Needleman A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Jacob Needleman, a professor of philosophy at San Francisco State University, and former director of the Center for the Stu…
Hagitude Telling the old stories to transform the culture.
Hagitude Celtic and Indigenous wisdom for adult female flourishing.
The Planet Alzheimer’s Guide Painting to draw upon fleeting memories.