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Results for "keyword: "environment""
Birthday of Joanna Macy (PDP) A tribute to the eco-philosopher and Buddhist scholar.
Wendell Berry in Sex, Economy, Freedom & Community The real work of planet-saving
Finishing the Race Recommendations for taking more eco-conscious actions as a way of practicing good citizenship.
Random Acts of Kindness Do something nice without taking credit.
Kashrut Inspiration to go kosher.
Clean-up Day Incitement for faith communities to organize a beautification/restoration day.
Anniversary of the Exxon-Valdez Oil Spill An opportunity to remember an ecological disaster so that we do not repeat it.
Put the Encyclical into Action A prompt to review and implement Pope Francis' encyclical on the environment and human ecology.
We Are One A spiritual response to the Gulf oil spill in the form of an I Am prayer.
Birthday of Rachel Carson (PDP) A celebration of the life of the renowned aquatic biologist, author, and conservationist.