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Results for "keyword: "flow""
Grace A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of grace.
Rabindranath Tagore in The Heart of God A short prayer of love.
Listen to an Opposing Opinion Invite flexibility into yourself.
Connecting with the God of Water A visualization to encounter Poseidon.
The "This Too Shall Pass" Exercise An exercise to imprint the harmonious flow of life in your brain.
A Swirl and a Whirl A teaching story about making oneself like the water to be without conflict.
Surrendering to Your Inner Smile A reflection that induces joy.
Spend a Day Without a Plan Have an adventure and don't follow your to do list for a day.
Summertime and Living Takes Practice Days 8 -14: Spiritual practices from the world's wisdom traditions as well as in books we've read.
Dance Like Mad Let go of awkwardness and lose yourself in the moment.