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Results for "keyword: "pluralism""
A word to include all of the divine manifestations A word to include all of the divine manifestations
The essential unity of all religions The essential unity of all religions
Opportunity in the U.S. to create hopeful pluralsim Opportunity in the U.S. to create hopeful pluralsim
Daring to encounter people of very different traditions Daring to encounter people of very different traditions
The Myth of Religious Superiority K. L. Seshagiri Rao on Gandhi as a pioneer of pluralism.
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths Affirms the strong points of the world's major religions and chooses compassion as the spiritual practice they all revere.
If I affirm myself as Catholic If I affirm myself as Catholic
Keeping Faith A fine spiritual memoir about the wisdom and practices learned at monasteries.
Beyond Belief Explains some of the reasons why it is difficult for many Christians to embrace pluralism or to accept the diversity of belief in the early church.
Hospitality & The Other Amos Yong on the strength of embracing mulitculturalism and multireligiosity.