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Results for "keyword: "revelation""
Gary Thorp in Sweeping Changes Try to be a good audience for whatever
Meister Eckhart in The Solace of Fierce Landscapes God is like a person who clears his throat
Opening Prayer and Thanksgiving A prayer of gratitude and love.
Wayne Teasdale in The Other Half of My Soul Transformation is the fruit of mystical revelation
Be Easily Awestruck Treat each idea you encounter as if it came from the wellspring of genius.
Carlo Carretto in The Whole Heaven Catalog If you asked me how God has revealed himself
M. Basil Pennington in Listening I am a place
Henry Suso in When True Simplicity Is Gained Lord, you are like a wildflower
Vision A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of vision.
Dag Hammarskjold in Senses Wide Open When we come to a point of rest