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Results for "keyword: "rituals""
Time Out of Ordinary Time Practices to comfort, nourish, and prepare us to re-dream the world in a time of pandemic.
The Mindful Life An e-course on how to bring the practice of mindfulness into everyday activities.
Pilgrimage as a Journey of the Heart An exploration of many dimensions of pilgrimages for those called to the journey today.
E-Workshop: Children's Spirituality An e-workshop on how adults can help children grow spiritually and what they can learn from their children's spirituality.
A Universal Christmas Embracing the wonder and magic of the Christmas spirit.
A Renaissance of Rituals An array of rituals that ground our yearnings and our devotion in concrete activities.
Advent and Holiday E-Courses A collection of holiday opportunities for spiritual retreat.
Practicing Spirituality with Joyce Rupp Encouragement to bring your spirituality into the light of your everyday life.
Practicing Spirituality with the World's Religions An exploration of interspirituality — the commonalities among the religions.
Transformative Travel A satchel-full of practices, rituals, and tricks of attention to give your next journey the most meaning, joy, and significance.