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Results for "keyword: "seeing""
Leonard Sweet in A Cup of Coffee at the Soul Cafe Our duty is not to see through one another . . .
Alice O. Howell in The Dove in the Stone Wisdom is hiding everywhere
Joseph Wood Krutch in The Desert Year In nature, one never really sees a thing
John J. Delaney in Saints Are Now It is not so much a question of where to look
Robert Thurman in Inner Revolution Imagine yourself to be someone you know
Saint Augustine in Grateful Living Dig deep enough into any human being
Richard of St. Vicar in Son of Man The soul that has not been practiced
Godfrey Chips, Lakota Medicine Man, in Walking on the Wind I'm the spirit's janitor
Annie Dillard in Pilgrim at Tinker Creek When I was six or seven years old
Joyce Rupp in The Star in My Heart If I stay in the darkness long enough