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Results for "keyword: "senses""
Senses Wide Open Will enable you to become more literate about your body and to heed it many messages.
Haiku Mind Jorge Luis Borges' poem "Memory."
The Power of Receiving An inspiring overview of the art of receiving and receptivity to all that life brings us.
Parenting in the Age of Attention Snatchers An explanation based on brain-wave studies of how strong stimuli can snatch away a child's attention.
The Cosmic Dance A tribute to Gaia by Joyce Rupp
The Soul of All Living Creatures Vint Virga on how the animals in our lives ask us to stretch our perspective.
Acceptable Words Alan Paton's prayer on opening our eyes to being compassionate.
In the Heart of the World Mother Teresa on how we draw closer to God when we practice true inner silence by listening, seeing, and sensing Him in everything.
Passion for God Jurgen Moltmann and Elisabeth Moltmann-Wendel on how watching and praying are all about attentiveness in the Christian faith.
To Taste and See Celebrates the world we encounter through our senses as a medium for grace.