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Results for "keyword: %22ageism%22"
A Prayer on Thinking Wisely about Radical Life Extension Dear Ancient of Days, guide, direct and sustain us as we spend more money on medical and scientific research. Help us raise the right moral questions regarding "radical life extension." Poll: 56…
Midlife Crisis and Then Wisdom In a thought-provoking article in, Jonathan Rauch shares some of the feelings of middle age and then moves on to an exploration of wisdom in the last stages of life. Many individuals…
Tricks from the Elderly to Stop Worrying Why do we spend so much time and energy on worrying? We are reluctant to admit that we can't control everything and make what we want happen. We have trouble accepting the idea that things do go wro…
Do You Need a Purpose in Life? Many young adults setting out to work in today's high tech world and changing economy are concerned about being rootless in a time when nothing lasts forever and work is now a very transitory thing.…
My Skin My skin is quite an astonishing organ performing a wide variety of services for me. Among them are serving as a selectively permeable sheaf for the body, protecting me from certain attacks, regulati…
A Moral Compass By Lila Hazan KidSpirit's Human Dignity issue. The concept of human dignity has never been in the forefront of my mind. I have been raised in a primarily atheist family within a primarily…
My Heart and Conscious Aging My heart is a marvelous fist-size pumping organ whose chief duty is to deliver oxygen-rich blood to the cells and organs of my body. It labors tirelessly beating approximately 800,000 - 140,000 time…
Confronting Ageism In 1968 gerontologist Robert Butler coined the term "ageism" to describe the many ways in which society discriminates against the old. Maggie Kuhn formed the Gray Panthers in 1972 as a network of ol…
My Face The poet Rainer Maria Rilke used to spend his lunch hour outside watching the faces of the people walking by; he found it a pleasant way to pass time. One day he wrote in his notebook: "It never occ…
A Better Way to Fall This eye-opening article was first published by the Wellcome Trust in Falls kill more than 32,000 Americans every year. The figure leaps to 420,000 when putting a global focus …