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Results for "keyword: %22breath%22"
Breathing in Compassion A simple exercise for cultivating self-awareness and a sense of divine compassion.
A Reminder A prompt to affirm our unity with everyone we see when we're out and about.
Loving-Kindness: The Meditation A meditation to awaken and extend loving-kindness.
Body Scan with Compassionate Focus A practice for bringing kind awareness to our bodies.
Embracing Mystery How to make acceptance of mystery a spiritual practice; the first step, let God be God.
Keeping Silent at Knoll Farm A poem about one night's experiences to enhance a love of the Earth.
Hang Sah Breathing A simple, effective breathing exercise.
Divine Breath A meditation on our breath and the breath of God.
Listening to Your Inner Child Guidance on caring for and healing your inner child.
Silence A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of silence.