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Results for "keyword: %22computers%22"
Computers are useless Computers are useless
The Almost Daily eMOs Brings together some of this gifted meaning-maker's insightful meditations on God's presence in her life and ministry.
The computer's contribution to my life The computer's contribution to my life
The Talmud and the Internet Presents a vision of unity in a world of disjointedness.
25 Reasons Why Twitter Is Spiritual Our take on the popular social networking tool.
Cybergrrl Covering information useful for both your personal and professional lives.
The Digital Revolution A media wizard's prognostications about the upcoming digital era. Descriptions of the virtual pilgrimages taken to Jerusalem.
Blessings for the Fast Paced and Cyberspaced A wonder-filled book with many suggestions.
Superman III Superman fighting a super computer with a mind of its own.