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Results for "keyword: %22divinization%22"
Angelus Silesius Angelus Silesius' epigrams on divinization.
Recognize yourself coming down the road Recognize yourself coming down the road
The Fire of Your Life Maggie Ross on having respect for one another by having self-respect.
Simply be the mirror in which others can see Simply be the mirror in which others can see
The process of moving from image to likeness The process of moving from image to likeness
An Incarnation of God An introduction to an unusual and very meaningful religious custom in India.
Kabbalah Tamar Frankiel on the meaning of divinization in Jewish mysticism.
A Maryknoll Book of Inspiration Michael Moorwood's poem on the mystery of God.
Shafts of Light Makes a good case for seeing the Divine in others
Finding Christ Within Brief but poignant essays on God within, faith, and the practice of love.