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Results for "keyword: %22food%22"
Gratitude for Nuts O Great Nourisher, we give thanks for nuts from trees. Study: Eating nuts can reduce your risk of dying from cancer, heart disease, and several other ailments, according to Harvard research publi…
A Prayer for the Fish of the World in Peril Giver of All, we are saddened by the news that the world's fish are in danger from overfishing by large commercial fleets. We know that when fish die off, all of marine life is threatened. Fact:…
A Prayer for Cargo Ship Crews All Seeing One, we are so grateful for the largely ignored and unheralded services of millions of people who work aboard the cargo ships that bring us our food, clothes, and other goods we use every…
Three Cheers for Acts of Anonymous Kindness Considering the incivility of politicians, cyber bullying, and terrorist attacks, reports of random acts of kindness happening all over the place is good news that lifts the soul. In an article at N…
A New Regimen for My Body's Sake I am so focused on my work that I often show great disrespect for my body and the food I eat. I miss out on the spiritual riches of eating mindfully. My attitude around most meal times is "Let's jus…
A Prayer for Food-Insecure Households Mother of Mercy, 15.8 million American children do not have enough food to eat, and millions more children around the world are in similar situations. Give them strength as they strive to grow …
Saliva, A Bodily Overachiever Like other bodily fluids (snot, vaginal fluids, and semen), saliva is not something we talk or think about very often. This clear, watery liquid comes from several glands in your mouth which secrete…
Prayer to Stop Wasting Food O Nourisher, we remember that when we were children, our parents used to remind us, "Finish your food. Think of all the poor starving people around the world." That plea usually worked by directing …
Meatless Monday Movement The Meatless Monday campaign was started in 2003 by an advertising whiz and the John Hopkins School of Public Health to market dietary change. The idea is to cut out meat one day a week to improve h…
5 Senses Meditation The holiday season from November through New Year's is for many people a challenging time, to say the least. So for our December ritual salon I envisioned a simple mindfulness meditation exploring f…