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Results for "keyword: %22spiritual%20literacy%22"
An Alphabet of Progressive Christian Spirituality - 8 Practices from Rest in Uncertainty to Spiritual Literacy in this alphabet.
An inscription speaking of hope An inscription speaking of hope
Spiritual Literacy Films, reflections, and practice prompts to deepen your awareness of everyday spirituality.
Spiritual Literacy An audio abridgement of the 1996 book with readings of excerpts to illustrate each practice in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy from attention to zeal.
Learning the Language of the Soul A description of the value and components of spiritual literacy.
Choose kindness to self and others Choose kindness to self and others
One Minute Wisdom Wisdom as reading the book that is you.
Here and Now A collection of meditations in which the renowned spiritual teacher reads the meaning of everyday life.
Spiritual Literacy Month A time to focus on all the ways we can read the world for sacred meanings, using clips from the Spiritual Literacy Film Series.
Eating and Preparing Food as a Spiritual Practice Reframing the experience of food using the 37 practices in the Alphabet of Spiritual Literacy.