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Results for "main_practice: %22Compassion%22, latest_content: 1"
Greed – the Root of All Social Injustice A prayer to be selfless and to live for Allah.
Asylum, Refugees, and Migration A hadith and prayer on helping and protecting refugees.
Elitist Privilege A prayer to fight for equity for everyone and to fulfill our responsibilities to those who are poor, needy, or weak.
Spreading Self-Compassion A practice for embodying 1 Thessalonians 3:12-13.
For Boundaries in Our Empathy A prayer by Cole Arthur Riley for times when we are overwhelmed.
World AIDS Day Ideas, practices, and DVDs to accent the crisis and things to be done to raise awareness about this global epidemic.
Diwali - A Celebration of Our Inner Light The Hindu holiday as a celebration of our inner light and a time to cultivate spiritual wealth.
Deepening Your Understanding of an Interior Movement A practice for cultivating self-compassion and healing.
Birthday of St. Teresa of Calcutta In honor of the servant of Calcutta, practice peace, silence, joy, kindness, and compassion.
Anniversary of the Signing of the Social Security Act (PDP) The anniversary of the federal law which provides retirement benefits, disability insurance, and support for the disadvantaged.