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Results for "practice: Zeal"
Birthday of Helen Keller (PDP) Celebrate Helen Keller a woman whose zest for life is a model for us all.
Zeal A program for individuals and small groups on the spiritual practice of zeal.
Viewer's Guide on Zeal Reflection and discussion questions to use when viewing this episode.
Authors & Readings on Zeal A guide of the original sources from this episode.
Ursula King in Pierre Teilhard de Chardin: Writings To maintain the taste for life
Macrina Wiederkehr in Gold in Your Memories There's a whole world of memories
Yoruba proverb in Chanting: Discovering Spirit in Sound A village without music
Busyness A short meditation on letting go of what does not serve you.
Drop It A call to action -- for letting go of what does not serve you.
Vibrantly Alive An affirmation to permeate you and your day with zest for life.