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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Justice"
Broke in America Helping those who are kept in poverty by being denied power and access.
Gustavo Gutierrez Gustavo Gutierrez on why solidarity with the poor is not optional for Christians.
Quakers Peter Furtado on how Quakers lead the way on activism.
The Passionate Jesus Peter Wallace on how Jesus demonstrates different kinds of anger.
Catholics Spending and Acting Justly Charles Wilber on the human person as both sacred and social.
The Collected Sermons of Walter Brueggemann Walter Brueggemann on how God can be nagged to a good verdict of justice.
Where Justice Dwells Jill Jacobs on doing social justice as a spiritual practice.
God Is Not a Christian Desmond Tutu on believers not having a choice in opposing injustice.
Answers from the Heart Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh's answer as to why Buddhists do not approve of the death penalty.
All Rise Robert W. Fuller on the justice goals animating people toward activism and a dignitarian movement against rankism.