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Results for "submediums: Books - Book Excerpt, main_practice: Openness"
No River to Cross Daehaeng Sunim on letting go of fixed ideas that lock down our minds.
(title not found) Judith Orloff's checklist of intuitive clues including gut feelings, goose bumps, flashes of insight, and intuitive empathy.
The Art of Empathy Karla McLaren on the art of getting into synch with others through empathy.
Soil and Sacrament Fred Bahenson on how working with the soil opens us in many ways.
Happier Endings Erica Brown on making an intention to be better prepared for death.
The Soul of All Living Creatures Vint Virga on how the animals in our lives ask us to stretch our perspective.
Taking the Leap Pema Chodron's daily practice to humanize the people we pass on the street.
Fitting In Is Overrated Leonard Felder on the power of being open to others.
Jesus Was a Liberal Scotty McLennan's call for a new Christianity for America and the world based on the liberal values of social justice, hope, and transformation.
The Second Book of the Tao Stephen Mitchell on why there is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so.