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Results for "submediums: Books - Hardcover,Books - Paperback,Books - Audiobook,Books - Audio Program,Books - Other,Features - Book, main_practice: Faith, for_children: n"
Manifesting Your Dream An outline of a path to creativity and the fulfillment of your dreams.
The Legend of Baal-Shem Reveals the teachings of this great Hasidic teacher.
A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer A substantive and engaging biography of one of the towering 20th century Christian theologians.
Forbidden Faith Traces the labyrinthine development of Gnosticism.
My Struggle With Faith A confessional work that explores faith, grace, and Jesus.
At Home in the World Illuminating suggestions for creating a rich and flexible rule of life for these tense times.
Speaking of Faith A top-drawer spiritual memoir that refurnishes and expands our understanding and appreciation of faith, religion, and spirituality.
Teresa of Avila - The Book of My Life Mirabai Starr's translation of Teresa of Avila's spiritual memoir which is mystic coming-of-age in sixteenth-century Spain.
Howard Thurman A sampler of spiritual writings from inspirational preacher, teacher, and social activist Howard Thurman.
Common Prayer on Common Ground A thought-provoking defense of Anglican orthodoxy.