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Results for "submediums: Features%20-%20Naming%20the%20Days,Features%20-%20Spiritual%20Literacy%20World,Features%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice,Practices%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice%20of%20the%20Day,Practices%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice, main_practice: Beauty"
Spiritual Literacy Film Series Short spiritual films to inspire and comfort you during the coronavirus pandemic.
Watching the Olympics as a Spiritual Practice Spiritual practices to honor dimensions of the Olympics beyond the competition itself.
Summertime and Living Takes Practice Days 8 -14: Spiritual practices from the world's wisdom traditions as well as in books we've read.
The Beauty of Imperfection On wabi-sabi, appreciating the beauty of the imperfect, the humble, the modest, and the unconventional.
Mini-Retreat - Spiritual Work on Simplicity A personal retreat on living freely, simply, and from the heart.
Look for Beauty Jim Forest on finding beauty in all faces and places.
With Your Feet A Navajo prayer on walking in beauty.
Opening Prayer A prayer for seeing God's image within us.
Wear Your Tears Remarks about crying as a cleansing release and a healing art that brings beauty to the face.
Good Dishes Ideas for celebrating every day of your life.