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Results for "submediums: Features%20-%20Naming%20the%20Days,Features%20-%20Spiritual%20Literacy%20World,Features%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice,Practices%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice%20of%20the%20Day,Practices%20-%20Spiritual%20Practice, main_practice: Connections"
All in a Day's Work How we can see our work as a spiritual practice, whether we are a taxi driver, an office worker, or a salesperson.
Spiritual Resources for the COVID-19 Pandemic An index of resources to help you navigate these times — practices, readings, films, quotes, and more to help you navigate these times.
Taking Stock of Your Connections How making an inventory of the objects in your home underscores your dependence and influence on others.
Worldwide Connections Suggestions for broadening your perspective of the world.
Practicing Spirituality in Winter More practices to explore the many moods and meanings of winter, including its pristine beauty and its many opportunities for playfulness.
Spiritual Practices for Hot Weather Tips from sages and seers on how to deal with hot weather.
The Gift of Tears Why crying, as Jesus did and we do at the movies, can be a spiritual practice.
A Blessing for Carl Thomas Dean A witty romp through existential questions with a wild wolf in beagle's clothing.
Mini-Retreat - Spiritual Work with Memories A personal retreat to harvest your memories and practice making new ones.
Spiritual Practices for Shopping 20 ways to make shopping a richer and deeper experience.