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Results for "tradition: %2212-Step%20Spirituality%22, latest_content: 1"
Birthday of Reinhold Niebuhr (PDP) Learning from the theologian, professor, and ethicist who wrote the Serenity Prayer.
Anniversary of the Founding of Alcoholics Anonymous A tribute to the practical spirituality of Alcoholics Anonymous on the anniversary of its founding: with reflections and practices.
On Repentance and Repair A rabbi's teachings on forgiveness as requiring justice that involves repair, making amends, and meaningful change.
Why Can't Church Be More Like an AA Meeting? An example of the affirmations common in 12-Step programs.
Why Can't Church Be More Like an AA Meeting? Overview of the history and distinct ethos of 12-Step recovery fellowships
Spiritual Divorce Debbie Ford on the never-ending nature of relationships.
Beautiful Boy An informative and important drama about a family coping with the effects of crystal meth addiction.
The Peacemaker Fascinating documentary on a Don Quixote peacemaker trying to bring healing to a war-torn world.
Brian L. in Meeting Wisdom Character defects you see in others often mirror your own.
Thomas Keating in Divine Therapy & Addiction It's worthwhile to question our motives, even for noble acts.