"This journey begins with who we are this very moment. From this starting point, love is a journey outward. The destination is awakening to the magic of each moment and the inherent wisdom we possess. A bodhisattva makes this journey to benefit all beings who make this earth their home.

"The basic logic of this journey is that to cultivate love and think bigger, it is important to start at home, making friends with ourself and opening to those around us. We can then expand our experience of love step-by-step. At the same time, we can cultivate more and more subtle tools with which to engage our world. This gives us the strength and wisdom to be fully awake and alive, which benefits both ourself and others.

"Love has tremendous power to transform — people, families, communities, and nations. There is always room for more love and understanding in our world, from personal relationships to world politics. These relationships are all interconnected, so a little drop of love, of opening and welcoming others — at breakfast or in the middle of the afternoon — changes the world.

"I believe in the little-drop approach. The forces of aggression and greed have a lot of strength in the world these days. Every time we add a drop of love, of caring, of deeper understanding, we are countering those forces and establishing a world based on friendship and openness. Each little drop is so very important."