“What is the motivation of being of great capacity [to practice Tibetan Buddhism]? It is bodhichitta. This is the most supreme and noble motivation.

“Whichever virtuous action a Mahayana Buddhist takes — saving life, teaching Dharma, chanting mantras, circumambulating stupas — they should think, ‘May this action be of benefit to all being.’ Having such an aspirational thought seems a simple mental activity, yet it denotes the most meaningful and effective motivation of a Mahayanist.

“With bodhichitta in mind, we are sure to gain all merits. In the Sutra of the King Lion, the Buddha said,

“For all beings’ liberation, we now arouse bodhichitta;
It magnetizes all kinds of goodness,
It brings happiness and joy, both temporary and ultimate.

“To liberate limitless sentient beings in this borderless universe we should arouse supreme bodhichitta, as it helps us perfect all positive actions and merits. With bodhichitta, we can effortlessly obtain both temporary and ultimate happiness.”