Therapist and nature enthusiast Lisa Robinson knows that children can be some of our best teachers. Often they see what really matters and make sure that we do, too. They're especially good at reawakening wonder in us.

In this story, a little girl named Kayla shares a picnic with her cell-phone-obsessed father. She parents him: offering him carrots, packing up their picnic while he scrolls through screens. For whatever reason, this dad can't pull himself away from his phone to be present to his daughter. Sadly, that's not an unrealistic premise for a story; maybe you've even seen similar behavior.

Kayla convinces her dad — with words and by tugging his arm — to come with her for "a forest bath." When he asks what that means, she says she'll show him.

The book's pages then alternate between descriptions of what these two are doing ("soon they're heading into the forest") and lovely, poetic, in-the-moment descriptions of their experience ("slip inside the cool caress of shadows and shade — maple, spruce, pine"). Kayla shows her father how to slow down, smell the forest, listen to the wind's whispers and trees' creaking, and more. She gets him to laugh and even finally to take off his shoes and socks and allow a stream to soothe his feet.

Illustrations by Khoa Le — an award-winning artist based in Vietnam — reinforce the poetic descriptions. In one picture, Kayla places her palms and fingers on a tree trunk, closing her eyes meditatively to feel the bumpy bark. Kayla's peaceful expression and the earthy colors convey a calm centeredness.

Closing pages explain forest bathing, its benefits, and where to go to forest bathe even in cities. "Be creative about finding some green space," Robinson advises. "Even a few minutes on an apartment balcony with some potted plants can be good for you!"

Readers ages four to eight will appreciate this book for its reminders to let our senses come alive, especially outdoors. Grown-ups who read this book to the children in their care may find themselves setting their phones aside a bit more often for the sake of being present to the wonders all around them.