How to Notice the Sacred

"We expect revelation to come from mountaintops. Amidst the audiovisual fireworks of Sinai, it is hard to miss the divine. But the rabbis wonder about the less-than-spectacular landscapes, ordinary moments, events of everyday life. When the sacred doesn't shout, how do we notice it?

"I once visited the rain forest in Costa Rica. During our forest tour, the guide introduced us to a variety of birds, butterflies, and plants. At one point, he stopped to point out an exotic bird, the quetzal. 'I can't see it!' I exclaimed. He extended a hand to direct my vision and said in a whisper, 'Look right over there.'

"I still couldn’t see it. I was growing irritated and frustrated, since it seemed that everyone around me did see it and were saying things like, 'Wow! Incredible!'

"The guide placed a gentle hand on my shoulder. 'Stay very quiet, don't move, be patient, and keep looking straight ahead.' I finally did as directed and then I saw it — an extraordinarily beautiful bird with iridescent colors hidden among the dense growth of the trees."
God's Echo