Tracy (Paul Haapaniemi) runs a beachside burrito joint. Mr. Evil (Casey Campbell) of E. Vault Company has plans to take over this property so he can build a golf course. He sends his banker (Andrew Ryan Harvey) to seal the deal but, of course, the young man wants nothing to do with it. Several dirty tricks are played on Tracy, who is busy pursuing a romantic relationship with Bridgette (Courtney Daniels). Fortunately, his trusy dog Charger (voiced by Peter Oldring) is on hand to give him the support he needs to deal with a health inspector and a restaurant critic.

M. J. Anderson and Haik Katsikian direct from a distinctively unfunny screenplay by Jordan Rawlins. The worst thing about Rescue Dogs is the constant talking of Tracy's dog. Although other animals are present in this comedy, Charger is center stage. There were times in the story when we wanted to put a muzzle on him so he would be quiet!