"In these exercises we will reflect on the themes of life structure and faith structure. After this exploration, we'll listen to our inner sighs and longings emerging for this time of discernment.

"I. Life Structure/Faith Structure
• Think about your current life structure. Consider the following:
— Describe your living situation:
With whom are you living?
Describe your home. Do you own or rent? Do you have pets?
Describe your neighborhood. What are things you particularly like about it?
Do you have people with whom you regularly interact — neighbors, friends, your auto mechanic, grocery checkout clerk, bank teller?
— Describe your work life. How is your sense of satisfaction with your work? What do you most enjoy? What is problematic?
— Describe your financial resources. Do you have a sense of financial stability or instability?
— Describe your network of friends, work associates, and acquaintances? How adequate do you experience these different kinds of relationships?
— What are your hobbies or leisure activities?
— What else would you like to write down to locate your sense of life structure?
• Faith structure
— Describe your relationship to a faith community.
— Describe your use of faith practices (such as prayer, meditation, personal or group Bible study or other spiritual group, attendance at worship, community outreach activities).
— Briefly describe your understanding of God (use just a few words).
— Do you actively use symbols, practices, images from your faith to help you sort out issues of life meaning? How does this work for you? Give an example, if you can.
— What is your sense of your personal experience of God at this time?
• Previous life structure
— Think of a specific time in the past, naming a time and the place where you were living, then describe your life structure at that time.
— Use the same themes to describe your life structure as noted above.
• Previous faith structure
— Describe your faith structure at that time using the themes previously noted.
• Life and Faith Changes
— Compare your previous life and faith structures with your present ones. How have you changed? How has your faith life changed?
— Now, reflect on the differences. You may be surprised at how much has changed. Such life circumstances change gradually."