It's a slippery slope, Carrie. Without boundaries, you never know what might happen.
— Miranda Hobbes (played by Cynthia Nixon), Sex and the City

"There are no energetic-boundary police on our city payrolls. Psychologists, medical doctors, social workers, parents, and community experts aren't trained in the existence of, much less the need for, such boundaries.

"Lacking energetic boundaries, we'll be confused about who we are, what we're here to accomplish, and how we can best express our true selves in the world. We'll become prey to any number of the seven syndromes and their symptoms: repetitive patterns, loss of energy, overwork, being overwhelmed, psychic intrusions, codependency, mixed-up behaviors, and environmental sensitivities. We'll struggle with health, work, money, relationships, and parenting — or maybe all of these life areas. We'll lack the energy required to live the authentic, bountiful, and rich life we're supposed to be enjoying.

"Conversely, conducting the rewarding, but sometimes challenging work of diagnosing, cleansing, and healing our energy boundaries invites love, prosperity, and wealth. These riches might be financial, but equally important, if not more important, are the treasures of joy, truth, and satisfaction.

"The entire world is composed of energy. This means it's logical to assume that shifting the energy inside of you, around you, or even in your food, drinking water, thought processes, environment, or objects, can produce wildly effective changes. Programming intention into a simple stone can repel another's negative force. Imagining a circle around your body really can encompass you in a sacred space that encourages monetary rewards, loving exchanges with others, or a revelation of a truth needed to cure our self-hatred. Even deeper issues, such as addictions, abuse, poverty, and major illness, are energetic traumas. Whatever undesirable circumstances appear in our physical world started as rips or ruptures in the energetic realms. To make a small change in the fabric of the universe is to potentially birth a new star, to call to us a comet of transformation.

"This book is intended to serve as an ongoing resource for meeting the challenges of a sometimes hostile yet lovely world. It is an explanation of the beauty that creates us and a compendium of suggestions for evolution and progress. It presents techniques for growing your soul, the brilliant you that is learning how to be more yourself, no matter what ups and downs you face.

"Is addressing our energetic issues mandatory? Is it necessary to thoughtfully assess and weave our physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual boundaries so that they keep us and others safe? No, but it is wise. It is wise to know all of ourselves and to feel compelled to become more of the same.

"It is also wise to create within ourselves the change we desire to see in the world. David Starr Jordan, a leading educator and peace activist in the early twentieth century, said, 'Wisdom is knowing what to do next; skill is knowing how to do it; virtue is doing it.' As you make your energetic repairs, may your wisdom ever increase, and your joy along with it."