“Years ago, I asked my late artist friend Jo for help creating a prayer basket. I wanted to find a way to remember everyone in my prayers. I had tried drawing a map but it was too one-dimensional. We wove a basket of willow wands and copper wire, lined it with cutout paper leaves, softened and stained with tea (a process she’d been working on). I still have the basket, its wands rising, the woven copper strands bright when the sun touches them. Things are tucked into the basket—feathers, talismanic bundles. But after a time I stopped using it as a receptacle for written names and prayers. The basket tended to fill us very fast. Another friend suggested I needed to empty the basket ritually and burn the prayers. It all became too complicated, high church, and high maintenance. But I love looking at the basket, which surely still holds prayers, even if not on scraps of paper.”