In this book, religion professor Mark I. Wallace presents a postmetaphysical model of the third member of the Trinity. The author goes beyond the images presented in the Bible--the divine wind in Genesis, the dove in the gospels, the tongues of flame in Acts — and presents his own unique delineation of a life-centered theology of the Spirit. Although one has to wade through Wallace's highly intellectualized assessments of postmodernism, the pay-off is worth pondering. He discusses Spirit as a healer of division and a boundary crosser, a holy trickster who sabotages political and cultural authoritarianism, a divine figure who struggles alongside marginalized and oppressed individuals, a holy catalyst for social transformation, and an abiding presence who supports those who fight against violence, scapegoating, and us-against-them philosophies. Wallace's most creative idea is an ecological pneumatology which enables us to see "all creation as a sacred grove — a living, breathing sacrament." Here is a path of heart that convincingly re-naturalizes Christianity.