Rebbe Nachman of Breslov (1772-1810) was one of the great Hasidic teachers of all time. As the grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, he possessed a rich and deep spiritual wisdom. Reb Noson of Breslov (1780 — 1844) was Rebbe Nachman's foremost disciple. He compiled an eight-volume commentary on his teachings.

In this collection of letters to family, friends, and followers, Reb Noson demonstrates the insights he gleaned over the years from the Hasidic tradition where closeness to God and an ability to sense His Presence in the midst of everyday life are two major motifs. He admonishes those around him to speak to the Holy One about everything. Expressing gratitude is very important: "This is the purpose for which we were created to constantly thank and praise His Great Name every day." Other advice given by Reb Noson is to banish despair, to look for a positive side in everything, and to renew faith through regular spiritual practice.

In one letter, the Hasidic teacher writes: "Relax your mind with things that cheer you and bring yourself to joy, even, if need be, with silliness. You have no idea what is really going on in the world." Profound words, especially the last sentence that alludes to the mystery that lies above and beyond our reason.