Karyn D. Kedar is a rabbi who works as the Union of American Hebrew Congregation's Great Lakes Regional Director. She teaches both Jewish and Christian groups throughout the United States. In this philosophical volume, Kedar uses the image of the dolphin, who lives in both water and air, to convey the challenges we face as human beings abiding in the worlds of reason and spirit.

The spiritual life, according to the author, consists of three languages that must be mastered — prayer, perspective, and the search for meaning. Using illustrative material from her own life, Kedar celebrates the mystery and the magnificence of the human spirit. At one point, she notes: "I am mystified by the paradox of the human spirit. It is both fragile and resilient. It is easily bruised and yet protected from permanent damage. It can spend a lifetime as a darkened shadow, and it can survive like an ember among dead coals."

Kedar hits high stride in her delineation of the many strands of meaning in our lives that come through listening, silence, passion, and paying attention to the invisibles such as integrity, dreams, and our true selves. Truth may sometimes elude us but the world is a very meaningful place.