Phillip Hodson, a psychotherapist and sex therapist, states that contrary to popular opinion, opposites do not attract as strongly as those who are similar. Those in long -term relationships are usually individuals with a lot in common. If you and your partner share similar personalities and interests, says Hodson, a phenomenon called "emotional convergence" occurs where the two of you begin to view major life events through similar spectacles. Of course, this is the hope that every couple has when they first start out: two people becoming one.

This entertaining and well-designed paperback contains 50 tests and is organized into physical, sexual, psychological, economic and social, and psychic compatibility sections along with a final section on how to put it all together in a harmony rating for you and your partner. Some of the more interesting tests deal with differing metabolic drives, sleeping styles, the congeniality of your sexual styles, your happiness quotient, and your arguing style. One of the most eye-opening chapters explores your psychic compatibility with material on the zodiac signs, I Ching, ESP, and tarot.