From The Blooming of a Lotus by Thich Nhat Hanh

Joy of Meditation as Nourishment

"1. Breathing in, I know I am breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I am breathing out.

2. Breathing in, my breath grows deep.
Breathing out, my breath goes slowly.

3. Aware of my body, I breathe in. Aware of body
Relaxing my body, I breathe out. Relaxing body

4. Calming my body, I breathe in. Calming my body
Caring for my body, I breathe out. Caring for body

5. Smiling to my body, I breathe in. Smiling to body
Easing my body, I breathe out. Easing body

6. Smiling to my body, I breathe in. Smiling to body
Releasing the tensions in my body, I
breathe out. Releasing tensions

7. Feeling joy (to be alive), I breathe in. Feeling joy
Feeling happy, I breathe out. Feeling happy

8. Dwelling in the present moment, I
breathe in. Being present
Enjoying the present moment, I breathe out. Enjoying

9. Aware of my stable posture, I breathe in. Stable posture
Enjoying the stability, I breathe out. Enjoying"