Welcome to Our 2022 Spirituality & Practice Birthday Celebration!

Spirituality & Practice is now 16 years old and, like most teenagers, we are feeling the balancing of a new maturity combined with an excitement to explore the world! In 2022 we are looking forward to reaching new audiences, updating and revising some of our software and platforms, and providing new formats of content, connection, and community for you to enjoy. As always, the vast majority of what we offer is completely free as a resource to people around the world.

To keep our services free and grow our team and offerings we need the support of our dear friends and foundations. Please consider helping us to build a more loving and connected world where reverence and belonging are values that we all uplift and share together.

Help us celebrate by giving a gift that makes a difference. There are three ways to celebrate with us, and we hope you will consider them all!

  • Attend Our Party! Join us March 21 at 9:30am PT / 12:30 pm ET on Zoom for a one-hour live event. In this Birthday gathering you will meet some members of our team and learn more about why we love what we do. Each aspect of this special event will share content and experience to enrich your spiritual journey, while connecting you with some of the stories and people behind the scenes at S&P. To sign up, click here: SpiritualityandPractice.com/BirthdayRegistration
  • Donate! Yes, like all teenagers, we don’t mind a financial gift for our birthday. In fact, your donation will go a long way to help us realize our goals and serve our community better. To make a contribution today please follow this link: SpiritualityandPractice.com/BirthdayDonation
  • Say a Kind Word! A truly powerful and impactful way you can help us to raise money and reach out is by leaving a short video message of thanks in which you share something about why you love S&P, why it’s important, or why it matters so much to you. These testimonials can go a long way to encouraging a foundation or new visitor to become more involved. It is easy to do. Just click here: Tribute.co/SpiritualityandPractice/